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Hillary Clinton Thanks Joe Biden For ‘220 Million Shots in Arms’

29-4-2021 < No Fake News 48 1375 words

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has thanked President Joe Biden for all his progress with coronavirus relief, from the vaccines to the stimulus checks, during his first 100 days in office.

There was no mention of the fact that the Biden administration continued to move down the path that had already been forged by former President Trump and his administration.

“100 days. 220 million shots in arms. 160 million relief checks. Just getting started. Thanks, @JoeBiden,” the twice failed presidential candidate wrote in a post highlighting Biden’s first 100 days in office:

Breitbart reports: Indeed, Biden touted the progress America has made on the vaccinated front during Wednesday’s address.

“After I promised we’d get 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots into people’s arms in 100 days, we will have provided over 220 million COVID shots in 100 days,” Biden said to applause.

“We’re marshaling — with your help, everyone’s help — we’re marshaling every federal resource. We’ve gotten the vaccine to nearly 40,000 pharmacies and over 700 community health centers, where the poorest of the poor can be reached,” he continued.

“We’re setting up community vaccination sites, developing mobile units to get to hard-to-reach communities. Today, 90 percent of Americans now live within 5 miles of a vaccination site,” Biden said, urging everyone to get vaccinated.

“Everyone over the age of 16, everyone is now eligible to get vaccinated right now right away. Go get vaccinated America. Go and get the vaccination,” he added. “They’re available.”

Biden did not, however, mention former President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, which ramped up the development, manufacturing, and distribution of the vaccines. Republicans have continued to dismiss the administration’s self-praise, contending Biden inherited a fast-track.

“Why did President Biden tell Americans to wait until July 4th to gather in ways that cities, states, and the CDC approve right now,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) asked in a March 15 tweet.

“Why did he present a million vaccines per day as a personal ‘Mission Accomplished’ moment when it’s simply the pace Democrats inherited in January?” he asked:

Notably, Clinton made no mention of Biden’s original plan for “just” 100 days of masking.

“Wear your mask for just 100 days,” Biden said in a December speech, outlining his 100-day plan. “It’s the easiest thing you can do to reduce COIVD cases, hospitalizations, and death.”

“Whatever your politics or point of view — mask up for 100 days,” he continued, contending it would take “100 days to make a difference.”
