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Donald J. Trump Prepares 2024 Run: ‘Time to Root Out the Evil Within’

20-4-2021 < No Fake News 37 2532 words

Trump says he intends to run in 2024 to root out evil within American politics

Former President Donald J. Trump has announced his intentions to run in 2024 to fight the evil forces taking over America.

During an appearance on Fox News on Monday, Trump told host Sean Hannity that he is “very seriously” considering running in 2024 so he can help restore normality and eliminate the darkness that has swept across the country.

“We are going to help with the House,” Trump said with regard to what his goals were for 2022.

“I think we have a really good chance. I’m working with everybody including Kevin McCarthy in taking back the house. I think we have a really good chance in doing it. Likewise, the Senate’s going to be a little bit tougher.” reports: Trump also said that he was going to help the Republicans win back the Senate as well, saying he thinks the Republicans have “a really, really good chance.”

Trump said that he was willing to travel, do speeches, and do rallies for candidates that need the help, adding that he is “all in” on helping the GOP.

“I miss the most helping people because I can directly help people,” Trump said when asked what he missed the most about being president. “That’s why I did it. Hey, look, this has been a very traumatic — I had a great life, great company, great business, no problems.”

Trump said that voters are concerned with what’s going on right now because “they see that their guns are going to be gone, their Second Amendment.”

“Their taxes are going up. Regulations are going through the roof. Jobs are going to go out,” Trump continued. “What you see — you know, this is going to take a little while to show. But if they add all these regulations back, the jobs are going to be gone. Your energy independence is going to be gone. So I say this, I am looking at it very seriously, beyond seriously. From a legal standpoint, I don’t want to really talk about it yet, it’s a little too soon.”



SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. As we continue from Mar-a-Lago, my exclusive interview with the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump.

I want to know this question. What are your plans for — to help for 2022?

DONALD TRUMP, 45TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We are going to help with the House. I think we have a really good chance. I’m working with everybody including Kevin McCarthy in taking back the House. I think we have a really good chance in doing it. Likewise, the Senate’s going to be a little bit tougher.

But the Senate — so I — I tell you that at least eight senators would have lost their race. I could name them but I don’t want to embarrass them but that includes Mitch, who is heading south. He called me up. He said, I need your help. And I’m very popular in Kentucky. I love Kentucky. And they love me. And I helped him and he won by the most he’s ever won by. So we are going to help with the Senate.


TRUMP: And I think we have a good chance —

HANNITY: You got Marco Rubio. I hear Herschel’s name mentioned a lot in Georgia. I hear Lara Trump’s name mentioned a lot in North Carolina. Sununu in New Hampshire, I think he can win that race.

TRUMP: I think so, too.

HANNITY: Ron Johnson in Wisconsin.

TRUMP: Ron Johnson’s a great —

HANNITY: — Been a great senator.

TRUMP: He is a great — he is much more popular than anybody understands.

HANNITY: We don’t know who’s going to run in Ohio but these are all —

TRUMP: We have some good candidates in Ohio.


TRUMP: I think we have a real chance at the Senate. I think we have a really, really good chance.

HANNITY: Well, tell me what — how far you are willing to go?

TRUMP: No, I’m going –

HANNITY: Are you going to travel? Are you going to do speeches? Are you going to do rallies for these candidates?

TRUMP: If they need a rally, we’ll do a rally. We’ll do calls. We’ll do all sorts of things. No, no, we’re all in. Alabama’s going to be a tremendous win with Mo Brooks.

HANNITY: Mo Brooks.

TRUMP: We have a tremendous — look, almost everybody I endorse wins. We had a House seat in Louisiana, wonderful woman. You know, just happened. Her husband died of COVID. He was congressman-elect.

And she is — Julia — she was fantastic. But a lot of people thought she might not get in the run-off. I endorsed her. She got 65 percent of the vote. There was no runoff. It’s very important that we get the right people. And that means in the Senate. It means in the House. And it also means in governorships because if you have a good governor —

HANNITY: And legislature, state legislature.

TRUMP: Well, that’s so important. You know the legislatures have —

HANNITY: That’s where they’re going to fix the voting issues.

TRUMP: We had a lot of great legislators. Unfortunately, the courts refused to listen, even though it’s in the Constitution that they have to. The courts have been very —

HANNITY: H.R. 1, I argue usurps the constitutional authority of state legislatures. Now the big question. Do — two parts. What do you miss the most about being in the White House? And how seriously are you considering running again in 2024?

TRUMP: I miss the most helping people because I can directly help people. That’s why I did it. Hey, look, this has been a very traumatic — I had a great life, great company, great business, no problems.

And now, all I do is people go after you. It’s vicious. It’s horrible. But you know what, I love doing it because I help people. And I’ve helped them more than any president with the cutting of taxes, with the regulations, with right to try. Do you know how big right to try is?

HANNITY: You’re proud of all of this. Huge.

TRUMP: Where you don’t have to travel to all sorts of different continents to try and get something? We have the greatest doctors, the world’s greatest labs. We can use their medicines now. If somebody’s terminally ill, they can sign a quick little document. You can use it and that’s had a huge —

HANNITY: What are you most proud of though?

TRUMP: A lot of things. I’m very proud of the tax cuts. I hope they don’t screw it up because the jobs, you know, we brought back the —

HANNITY: They’re going to screw it up.

TRUMP: — record — I think so. We brought back a record, well it’s still not going to be as high as it was. You know, it’s really 39 percent.


TRUMP: So it looks like it could be a 25 percent. I brought it down to 21. But I’m very proud of that. I’m very proud of the — and very importantly the regulations. I’m very proud of what i did for the military. I’ve rebuilt the military.

And I’ve added something called Space Force. It’s going to be so powerful, so important. So I’ve added another, think of it, I’ve added to the military. Hasn’t happened since, I guess 75 years since the Air Force. We’ve added —

HANNITY: And the economy pre- COVID. Record low unemployment —

TRUMP: — Space Force. We have the greatest numbers in the history of the world. We had the greatest economy in history of the world. We had the greatest economy. We had the greatest job numbers. We had the greatest — we’re up to 160 million people.

We were never even close to that. And if you think of it, I did it twice because then the whole world went down. We’ve come back stronger than any other country in the world. You know, they used to hit me with Germany and France or this or that.

Well, they’re doing terribly right now. They’re all locked down. It’s a disaster. They’re having riots on their streets. This country is coming back strong. And it is very interesting. Places like Florida and Texas and many others, I mean, I could name many others. I think in almost all cases run by republicans, I think in all cases, but they’ve done so well.

And you look, I saw the other day in Michigan. I would say there’s been nothing as close other than for her husband who is, you know, had free run of the place. I don’t think that there’s been any state more locked up than Michigan.

HANNITY: It’s a disaster. It’s one of the worst.

TRUMP: It’s a disaster. It’s the worst in the United States right now.

HANNITY: Are you running again in 2024? What are the odds? If I were to ask…

TRUMP: That’s like a long time. The odds, the odds, what are the odds? Look…

HANNITY: The odds…

TRUMP: I got tremendous numbers. Nobody has ever gotten the numbers I got. No sitting president has come even close. There’s more popularity now than there was the day before the election because they see how bad things are at the border.

They see what’s going on. They see that their guns are going to be gone, their second amendment. Their taxes are going up. Regulations are going through the roof. Jobs are going to go out.

What you see — you know, this is going to take a little while to show. But if they add all these regulations back, the jobs are going to be gone. Your energy independence is going to be gone. So I say this, I am looking at it very seriously, beyond seriously. From a legal standpoint, I don’t want to really talk about it yet; it’s a little too soon.
