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Biden’s UN Ambassador Claims White Supremacy Is ‘Weaved’ Into US ‘Founding Documents & Principles’

15-4-2021 < No Fake News 25 998 words


Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Joe Biden’s ambassador to the United Nations, has claimed that “the original sin of slavery, weaved white supremacy into America’s founding documents and principles“.

Thomas-Greenfield made her comments as she spoke about the Biden administration’s intention to reenter the United Nations’ Human Rights Council. To join the Human Rights Council, she said, the US must “acknowledge that we are an imperfect union and have been since the beginning.

RT reports: That imperfection, she continued, lies in the “original sin of slavery,” which “weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.” She then cited white supremacy as being behind the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Tayloy, and “so many other black Americans.”

Thomas-Greenfield’s comments have quickly made their way across social media, igniting criticism from mainly conservative users.

“She’s apologizing for America even though the UN Human Rights Council currently includes Pakistan, Somalia, Qatar, Cuba, Venezuela, Sudan, and Libya,” Daily Caller’s Greg Price tweeted in reaction.

“In the Cold War, we relied on Soviet diplomats to condemn America at the UN; in the Biden administration, we just do it ourselves,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) added
