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Texas Proposes Bill That Would Criminalize Transgender Transition Treatment For Children

14-4-2021 < No Fake News 43 1209 words

Transgender childeren

Lawmaker in Texas have proposed a new bill which seeks to protect children from having sex change procedures that they could come to regret later on in life.

On Monday, the Republican-led Texas Senate State Affairs Committee began considering a bill that would make it illegal for parents and doctors to consent or administer transition medication or surgeries to children. 

If signed into law, SB 1646 would criminalize transition care for minors by classifying it as child abuse for parents and doctors.

Gateway Pundit reports: The Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs held a hearing over the bill on Monday.

“Children are unable to give informed consent. This bill gives children a chance to get to adulthood with intact bodies,” Republican Executive Committee Member Jill Glover testified.

SB1646 would prohibit parents from “administering or supplying, or consenting to or assisting in the administering or supplying of puberty suppression prescription drug or cross-sex hormone to a child, other than an intersex child, for the purpose of gender transitioning or gender reassignment.”

The bill, if passed, will also remove children from the care of people enabling or forcing hormone treatment and sex change surgeries.

“Parents who break the proposed law would be in violation of the state’s Family Code, which would trigger a Child Protective Investigation, resulting in the possible removal of the child from their home, according to Perry’s office. Doctors who perform sex change treatments would also be accused of child abuse, which would trigger a license investigation by the Texas Medical Board,” KVUE reports.

The bill will characterize hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and puberty blockers as child abuse.

The left is on a rampage over the bill, carefully claiming in articles that the bill would deny healthcare for trans children — when in reality it would only force them to wait until they are adults to make life altering decisions.

The bill is one of many seeking to protect children from the controversial treatments across the nation. Last month, the Arkansas state legislature passed the first-ever ban on transgender surgeries, puberty blockers, and HRTs for minors. There are at least 17 other states considering similar laws.
