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NRA Membership Soars to All-Time High as Americans Reject Democrats’ Anti-2A Agenda

30-3-2021 < No Fake News 28 1070 words

NRA membership soars as Americans reject Democrats' attempt to topple the Second Amendment

Membership to the National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is soaring to an all-time high, thanks to the Democrats’ ongoing attempts to topple the Second Amendment.

Americans are rising up and rejecting attempts by the Democratic Party and Biden administration to implement their radical anti-gun agenda nationwide.

According to the NRA’s Andrew Arulanandam, the civil rights organization has been “gaining 1,000 new members a day since January, from online signups alone.” reports: Breitbart News asked if there was any one certain thing that was contributing to the membership surge, and he pointed to the Democrats’ incessant gun control push.

Arulanandam said, “Gun owners realize the threat our Second Amendment and our self-defense laws are facing with a hostile President and Congress.”

On March 26, 2021, Breitbart News pointed to a Rasmussen Reports poll showing that 51 percent of likely voters do not believe stricter gun control would have prevented the March 22, 2021, shooting in Boulder, Colorado, from taking place.

The vast majority of likely voters — 64 percent — made clear their belief that there is no way to “completely prevent” attacks such as the one in Boulder last week and in the Atlanta-area the week prior.
