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Biden Has Southern Border Situation ‘Under Control’ Says Pelosi

20-3-2021 < No Fake News 25 1157 words

Nancy Pelosi border crisis

Everybody knows that the ‘situation’ at the Southern border is an out of control crisis.

But House speaker Nancy Pelosi stood in front of reporters this week and told them that Joe Biden has the situation under control.

Fox News reports: Pelosi said Biden is approaching the migrants, especially unaccompanied minors, in a more “humane” way than former President Donald Trump, and the transition will take some time.

“The Biden administration has this under control,” Pelosi said Friday during her weekly news conference at the Capitol. “It is change and it will take some time, but it is values-based, humanitarian … [and] pragmatic with a plan to get things done.”

Republicans have been pummelling Biden in recent weeks for the surge of migrants that have flocked to the border, and they’ve blamed the Democrat’s rhetoric and the canceling of Trump’s immigration policies for the uptick. 

Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday said that the U.S. is on track to encounter more migrants than it has in the last 20 years as he described the border surge as “difficult.”

But Pelosi dismissed the Republicans’ focus on the border, with regular news conferences and congressional trips to Texas, as diversionary.

She said the Biden team is addressing the immediate concerns at the border, developing “more humane” ways to care for the migrant children and tackling the source of the problem in the migrants’ Central American home countries. 

Biden has a plan and “not just a diversionary tactic on the part of the Republicans because they are bankrupt of ideas,” Pelosi said. 
