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Tanzanian President, Who Questioned COVID Vaccine, Found Dead

20-3-2021 < No Fake News 32 1377 words

Tanzanian president John Magufuli who Bill Gates said should be reined in found dead

Tanzania’s President John Magufuli was found dead earlier this week after complications arising from an alleged COVID-19 infection.

Vice President Hassan reported that Magufuli died in a hospital in Dar es Salaam on Wednesday.

“It is with deep regret that I inform you that today we lost our brave leader, the president of the Republic of Tanzania, John Pombe Magufuli,” he said in an address to the nation. reports: Magufuli, who became president of the republic in 2015, was a prominent Covid sceptic in Africa. Bucking the trend of neighbouring nations.

Throughout the worldwide ‘pandemic’ he had been an incredibly vocal critic of COVID restrictions and had refused to enforce lockdowns, social distancing and mask wearing.

Magufuli mocked countries spending money on mass testing programs deeming them to be unnecessary and as such he flat refused to purchase vaccines as he saw them as a waste of money.

Could this have been what landed him in hot water?

A month ago The Guardian ran a piece with the headline “It’s time for Africa to rein in Tanzania’s anti-vaxxer president.”

Two weeks later Magufuli disappeared from the public eye.

The article sets out to first smear Magufuli for his faith after he had claimed that “God had eliminated COVID” from Tanzania and then, true to Guardian form, they attempt to castigate him as a populist who is “hell-bent against science, facts and logic.”

This being said despite the fact Tanzania has had zero reported cases of COVID-19 since the May of last year.

You have to question why The Guardian would take such an interest in a small time African president. But when you look into the who wrote the piece and it becomes clear.

The article was published by a writer working for Global Development who’s goal according to their website states:

“Our Global Development leadership team oversees the foundation’s work in developing countries on family care, vaccine delivery and emergency relief.”

Note: Vaccine Delivery…

Aside from the article being sponsored vaccine propaganda, Global Development is a division of ‘The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.’ You don’t have to look far to find the slime ball Gates when speaking on the topic of vaccines.

As recently as 2017 Reuters reported that Gates had pledged to spend $300 million in Tanzania on public health and poverty reduction. Vaccines very much a part of this.

An investment that the vaccine salesman perhaps may not have been happy with given Magufuli’s Covid scepticism coupled with his election win last year securing him another 5 years in office.

There was just a month separating the release of the Bill Gates article in The Guardian and the untimely death of John Magufuli.

Vice President Hassan will be sworn in as Tanzania’s new president and serve the remainder of the former president’s five year term. It will be interesting to observe how government attitude shifts towards vaccines.
