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Tucker: ‘Troops Will NEVER Leave DC; They’re Propping up Dictator Biden’

6-3-2021 < No Fake News 18 1252 words

Tucker Carlson warns Biden's troops are never leaving DC

Tucker Carlson outlined Thursday how Democrats intend to permanently deploy military troops in Washington DC and will continue to fabricate security threats to keep fear among leftists high.

“When you’re a liberal, the world is a very scary place, but there is one fear that rises above all other fears in the liberal mind: The fear of “the other,” Carlson began.

“Liberals understand most of the American continent as a mysterious dark space, like a medieval map populated by drooling Trump voters and violent illiterates with extra chromosomes.”

“There’s nothing rational about that behavior, but you shouldn’t be surprised by it. Modern liberalism is not a coherent worldview, it’s a deeply unhappy, high-strung personality type. Wokeness is what you get when people are miserable inside,” Carlson continued.

 reports: The host then outlined how phantom threats including “QAnon Inauguration Day” are being used to continue an occupation around the centre of government.

“What is QAnon Inauguration Day? We have no idea, and we don’t know anyone who does,” Tucker continued, adding “We’d bet money that not one Trump voter in a million had heard of it until this week, when the hysteria merchants on the other channels started yapping about it on television.”

Carlson noted how Nancy Pelosi and House leaders rescheduled votes Thursday and many even fled the Capitol, including even some Republicans, believing their own fear mongering that there would be another “peasants revolt”.

“It was all just another lie,” Tucker urged, noting that it is “not so different from when they told us we would need troops to protect Joe Biden’s inauguration. Then, they said we would need soldiers to keep QAnon away from the impeachment trial. Then, there was today’s hysteria. Next, there will be something else. Capitol Police are now saying they will need soldiers in Washington for at least two more months.”

“The troops will never leave.” Carlson emphasised, adding “As you probably figured out by now, the troops are in the Capitol for political reasons. They’re there to prop up the regime.”

He continued “If this were happening in Cameroon, our State Department would complain about it, call it ‘an offense against democracy.’ But because it’s happening here in America, we have been slow to catch on.”
