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Poll: Nearly ALL Americans More Concerned Over BLM Summer Violence Than Jan. 6 Riot

3-3-2021 < No Fake News 28 1204 words

Most Americans more concerned over summer of BLM violence than Jan 6 riot.

The vast majority of Americans are more concerned over the Antifa and BLM violence that occurred last summer than the small Capitol riot on January 6, a new Harvard/Harris poll has found.

Although the mainstream media has relentlessly hyped up the Capitol breach, which led to the deaths of four Trump supporters and one police officer, the survey found that Americans are much more worried over the months-long riots that were widespread across major U.S. cities and led to innumerable deaths.

The survey asked respondants, “Which do you find more concerning – the violence in American cities during the summer or the riots at the Capitol on January 6th?”

55 per cent of respondents said they were more upset by violence in the cities compared to 45 per cent who said the January 6 riot.

 reports: When asked if the January 6 riot was “being used by politicians to suppress legitimate political movements or do you think there is no such suppression of legitimate movements?” 64 per cent said yes compared to 36 per cent who said no.

In addition, 71 per cent polled said they thought Antifa, which was involved in much of the violent rioting, was a “domestic terrorist group” while 29 said it wasn’t. This compares to 66 per cent who think the Proud Boys are a domestic terrorist group and 36 per cent who don’t.

Although the media has framed the George Floyd riots as “mostly peaceful” protests, they caused 1-2 billion in property damage and led to 14,000 arrests.

The 19 death toll number is almost certainly higher since official sources seemingly stopped counting the total after June 8th.
