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President Trump: ‘Joe Biden Is a Diehard Globalist’

27-10-2020 < No Fake News 20 778 words
President Trump slams Joe Biden as a diehard globalist

President Trump has warned America that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is a “diehard globalist” who wants to kill the US economy.

“Joe Biden is a diehard globalist who wiped out your steel mills, closed down your factories, killed your coal jobs, outsourced your industries, and supported every horrible terrible ridiculous trade deal for over a half a century,” Trump told a huge crowd in Pennsylvania Monday night.

“Think of it, 47 years plus he was a cheerleader for NAFTA, the worst trade deal ever made, and I ended it,” Trump continued.
“Remember I used to say, we’re going to end and everyone smiled, they said hey look give it a shot, I got it then nobody thought I could get that thing done.”
“USMCA just kicked in and it’s incredible for our country less for their countries but that’s okay,” Trump added.
Trump then added that Biden “enthusiastically voted for China’s entry into the world trade organization,” noting  “that was the beginning of the China rise, that was a disaster. They were flatlined for years and years and then bump.  Thank you very much Joe, I appreciate it.”
“Joe and others,  decimating your manufacturing and enriching China at your expense, you know that,” POTUS warned.
Watch: reports: Elsewhere during the rally, Trump warned that Biden will prolong the pandemic if he manages to get elected:

Trump urged that Pennsylvania and other hard working cities need to be open, and that will not happen under Biden:

Trump warned that Biden is committed to killing off jobs in the city:

Trump further warned Biden would destroy industry:

The president seemed confident that wouldn’t be an issue, however, reading out his own poll numbers and declaring that it was “looking good,”:

Trump noted how Biden can’t even remember who he’s running against:

Referring to Biden putting a “lid” on events, Trump declared that Biden should be ashamed of himself for not campaigning hard enough:

During a second event in Martinsburg later in the evening (Trump held THREE rallies yesterday), Trump noted that Biden “doesn’t do these kinds of rallies because no one shows up”:

Nearby, Biden did briefly emerge from his basement, and proved Trump exactly correct, as only 20 people showed up to a field he was standing in.
