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Clinton Foundation Now Being CRIMINALLY Investigated by US Attorney John Durham

26-9-2020 < No Fake News 22 963 words
The Clinton Foundation under criminal investigation by US Attorney John Durham

US Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation is now a criminal probe.

The bombshell news was announced on Friday by George Papadopoulos on Newsmax, where he announced the following:

What a week.  I thought after the bombshell developments about Senator Johnson about Hunter Biden’s overt corruption in the Ukraine would have been the headline of the week, but this I think even beats what’s happening.  The Clinton Foundation’s investigation has now morphed into a criminal probe by John Durham.  And why is this very important – because there have obviously been growing frustration with Huber’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation and his inability to get to the bottom of what exactly was going on.

It’s the same case with Horowitz’s investigation into the FBI.  There were many questions that still remained after Horowitz.  And the reason they remain, just like they remained after Huber’s, and why this is so important this has morphed into Durham’s investigation is because Durham’s investigation is a criminal probe.

That means that Durham can force testimony.  He can issue subpoenas.  He can issue grand juries, to get to the bottom of exactly what these allegations about pay-to-play are all about and whether the ex-Secretary of State was involved or not.

WATCH: reports: Yesterday we reported John Durham, the Connecticut U.S. Attorney appointed by Attorney General William Barr to investigate the Trump-Russia collusion hoax investigation by the Obama administration and Deep State operatives is reportedly also investigating the Clinton Foundation and the government’s handling of that investigation.

Yesterday’s report however came from the (notoriously fake news) The New York Times and a follow up from FOX News.  The New York Times excerpt claimed Durham was biased and that was why he is looking at the Clinton Foundation.  The Times calls Durham’s investigation a “conspiracy theory” something they never said about Obamagate, the made up collusion between candidate and President Trump and Russia – all made up by the Obama Administration with help from candidate Hillary:

From the beginning, John H. Durham’s inquiry into the Russia investigation has been politically charged. President Trump promoted it as certain to uncover a “deep state” plot against him, Attorney General William P. Barr rebuked the investigators under scrutiny, and he and Mr. Durham publicly second-guessed an independent inspector general and traveled the globe to chase down conspiracy theories.

It turns out that Mr. Durham also focused attention on certain political enemies of Mr. Trump: the Clintons.

Mr. Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut assigned by Mr. Barr to review the Russia inquiry, has sought documents and interviews about how federal law enforcement officials handled an investigation around the same time into allegations of political corruption at the Clinton Foundation, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Durham’s team members have suggested to others that they are comparing the two investigations as well as examining whether investigators in the Russia inquiry flouted laws or policies. It was not clear whether Mr. Durham’s investigators were similarly looking for violations in the Clinton Foundation investigation, nor whether the comparison would be included or play a major role in the outcome of Mr. Durham’s inquiry…

Please read the complete Times report at this link.

Fox News excerpt:

Aspects of U.S. Attorney John Huber’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation have been assumed by U.S. Attorney John Durham as part of his review into the origins of the Russia probe, Fox News has learned.

A source familiar with Durham’s investigation told Fox News on Thursday that parts of what Huber was investigating in 2017 — involving the Clinton Foundation — have been incorporated in Durham’s investigation.

In November 2017, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions directed Huber, the U.S. attorney for Utah, and other senior prosecutors to evaluate “certain issues” involving the sale of Uranium One, and other dealings related to the Clinton Foundation. Sessions tapped Huber after requests by congressional Republicans, who had been calling for the appointment of a special counsel to review the matters.

Huber was also tasked with reviewing the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email probe, including allegations that the Justice Department and FBI “policies or procedures” were not followed.

Please read the complete Fox News report at this link.

Barr said earlier this month ‘there could be’ more charges in the Durham probe.

DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said in July a report by Durhan was hoped for by the end of summer, which has come and gone this week without a report. Kupec did not guarantee a report and noted the goal of the probe is a criminal investigation and not a report, but that the American people deserve to know what happened.

The New York Times is notorious for pushing messages from the Deep State.  The fact that the Times did not highlight that the fact that Durham is investigating the Clinton Foundation is because it is now a criminal investigation is not surprising.

The fact Durham is investigating the Clinton Foundation is a big deal.  Now Americans want these criminals put in jail.
