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Nasty Nancy: ‘Something Is WRONG’ With Trump – His Family Should Stage an ‘Intervention’

10-9-2020 < No Fake News 36 574 words
Nancy Pelosi urges Trump's family to stage an intervention against POTUS

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has urged Donald Trump’s family to stage an intervention against POTUS because “something is wrong” with him.

Appearing on Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports”, Pelosi was asked about the new Bob Woodward book.

Mitchell said, “Let me ask you again about the Bob Woodward book because there are larger issues about the president’s leadership, and these are relevant today, as always, because they are his role as commander-in-chief. Bob Woodward quotes former Defense Secretary James Mattis as saying to Dan Coats, the former head of national intelligence, and then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, that he had prayed at the National Cathedral because of what he felt was the president’s incapacity to lead as commander-in-chief. He said there may be a time when we have to take collective action, and all resign. So there were early concerns back in 2017, even with the first secretary of state, about the president’s capacity by Jim Mattis and by Dan Coats, as quoted in this book.”

“That’s very interesting, especially in light of the fact that the Republicans in Congress do nothing, do nothing to temper the bad policy that springs from that person. You would think that the family or the Republicans would have some kind of intervention. Clearly, the behavior of the president is not on the level,” Pelosi said.

“So when we talk about his incapacity and whatever his mental state is, we have to be careful about how that impacts the health and well being of the American people. I feel very sad that the Republicans in Congress—I don’t paint everybody with the same brush, certainly not Republicans in the country, many of them, with how willing he is to squander the health and well being, the economic security, the food security, the housing security of America’s families. For what? For what? Because he doesn’t want to face the fact that his denial, his distortion, his delay, has cost so much harm to this country, health-wise and economically, because he just couldn’t face that reality. Something is wrong there. It’s not on the level. And the Republicans who condone it are accomplices to it. And as I’ve said, they’re going to have doggie doo on their shoes for the rest of their lives,” she added.

Reacting to audio of Trump saying he wanted to “play down” the coronavirus, Pelosi said:

“What he was actually saying is, I don’t want anybody to think anything like this happened on my watch, so I’m not going to call any more attention to it, it’s a hoax, we expect a miracle, it’s going to go away magically. Something’s very wrong with this. And it can be captured in the statement that the president made about that. I don’t know, I mean, again, I just don’t know why there isn’t some kind of intervention by those who are surrounding him professionally, or any goodwill on the part of his own family, to say something is very wrong here, we have to have an intervention for the good of our father, Donald Trump, and for the good of our country.”
