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BLM Protesters Who Screamed ‘F*** White People’ at Diners and Drank Their Beer Say They Were Not Aggressors

8-9-2020 < No Fake News 28 836 words

Black Lives Matter protesters wearing “Nazi Lives Don’t Matter” t-shirts who were captured on video screaming “F*** white people!” at outdoor restaurant patrons before drinking their beer are now claiming they were NOT the aggressors in the situation.

The BLM protesters were speaking out after video of them shouting at diners in Rochester, New York, and swiping a drink from an elderly couple and downing it in front of them, was shared on social media. 

The protesters were heard insulting the diners, calling them ‘embarassments‘ and intimidating them by surrounding the tables.

‘Even though people [at the restaurant] saw that whole thing, they still saw me as an aggressor,’ complained Nique Craft, a protester at the event, in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.    

Cellphone footage shows the protesters taking over the outdoor dining space with Craft approaching an older couple’s table before drinking their beer in front of them; another smashed a glass from a table. 

One protester, identified as Lorenzo Rulli, tells the diners: ‘F**k the white people that built the system.‘ He adds: ‘F*** 12′; a reference to police. 

Others eating at the restaurant pick up their belonging and leave after demonstrators call them an ’embarrassment’. 

The demonstrations are in response to several black Americans who have died in police custody, with the recently shared footage of the death of Daniel Prude in Rochester, New York in March, sparking the new wave of outrage. 

Similar scenes have played out across the county with a diner in Washington D.C. last week cornered by a group of anti-racism protesters outside a restaurant. In another incident, diners in Rochester were also confronted by a large group of demonstrators. 

Similar scenes have played out across the county with a diner in Washington D.C. last week being cornered by a group of BLM protesters outside a restaurant

We’re shutting your party down,’ one woman was seen shouting in the face of a New York diner as demonstrators smashed the customer’s glasses in front of their faces, broke plates, overturned chairs and chanted at them to get out. 

A second video taken in Pittsburgh over the weekend shows a demonstrator speaking with a megaphone while walking next to a cyclist. It’s unclear what is said, but the demonstrator nudges the cyclist with his megaphone. 

The cyclist swats the demonstrator in response, but a second protester reportedly hits the man from behind with a skateboard.

According to Craft, who identifies as nonbinary, the incident sparked when protesters marched through the area and three men shouted ‘Blue Lives Matter.’ It’s unclear if these men were diners or pedestrians in the area.

When protesters approached the group, one man reportedly swung at people.

Craft told the Post-Gazette that one man grabbed Craft’s hair and placed a hand on Craft’s chest, saying he was trying to stop a confrontation from happening.

After the initial confrontation  Craft said that the older man seen in footage chastised protesters for their actions. His wife, however, invited Craft over for a drink and to discuss the situation. 

So, being a theatrical, snarky type of person that I am, I said that I don’t have time to wait for you to order another beer; I will take the one you have,’ Craft said.

Craft did not know the man who swung the skateboard at the cyclist.

Police in Pittsburgh are said to have launched an investigation into both clips; there were no arrests during Saturday’s protest.  

The footage of the diners in Pittsburgh being approached sparked outrage online. One Twitter user, Michele Lippert, wrote: ‘I am so sick of this!!!’ 

Another, Ricardo Dinero, said: ‘These terrorists have no place in Pittsburgh or anywhere in America. They don’t care about black lives, they care about chaos.‘ 

Baxter Dmitry

Baxter Dmitry

Baxter Dmitry is a writer at Your News Wire. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.
Follow: @baxter_dmitry

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