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Insouciant White People Have No Awareness of the Extent of Their Demonization, by Paul Craig Roberts

21-8-2019 < UNZ 52 450 words

“If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing.” — Noel Ignatiev as quoted in Diversity Chronicle

“The President is a white nationalist terror leader. His supporters—ALL OF THEM—are by definition white nationalist terror supporters. The MAGA hat is a KKK hood. And this evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.” — Reza Aslan on Twitter

Some responses to my two recent columns on genocide prove my point. I am told that it is impermissible to protest the demonization of white people, not because it is untrue but because white people deserve to be demonized. The violent language against white people and calls for their eradication are said to be justified. This is a logical position for those who believe that liberation requires the extermination of white people.

One reader dismissed the demonization of white people, quoting “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Jews would disagree. Words expressed against them in the 1930s did them a lot of hurt in the 1940s.

In my columns I am arguing against division and orchestrated hatred. My position is unacceptable to the growing ranks of Identity Politics extremists. They want division. Identity Politics is so entrenched that there are people who think that a person who does not support the demonization of white people is himself a white supremacist. We have arrived at Orwellian plus.

The intimidation that inhibits the defense of “indefensible whites” is also illustrated by the neglect of my genocide columns by some of the alt-news websites that normally reproduce my columns. A defense of white people or protest of their demonization is branded “racist white supremacy,” and the websites are guilty by association. Free speech is being shut down, and discussion of some issues is now impossible.

The 1619 Project, the plan of the New York Times’ executive editor to “reframe,” that is, to falsify American history, aims at undermining the confidence of white Americans. It is a project of cultural genocide. It is difficult to see a future for people who are both demonized and intimidated. Hate is a powerful force, and much hate is being expressed against white people and institutionalized in the educational system.
