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Dr. Jess Wade—Another Minority Social Justice Warrior Pushing Science Into New Dark Age, by Lance Welton

7-7-2019 < UNZ 102 1499 words

See also: It’s Official: Even Hard Science Entering New Dark Age

It’s become clear—not least from the savage anti-intellectual campaign taking place on British campuses [Universities are allowing free speech to be curtailed in favour of “rule of the mob”, former equalities chief warns, by Camilla Turner, The Telegraph, February 2, 2019] that there is a very specific social type who ends up leading the anti-academic charge at universities.

These enforcers are:

  • From the extreme heights of the socioeconomic elite—in the UK they are part of the top 7% who attend private schools (very expensive in Britain) like Eton College;

  • Despite these massive educational advantages, a graduate of a university other than Britain’s Ivy league of Oxford and Cambridge;

  • From an ethnic minority background;

  • Clearly, manifesting known correlates of mental instability and psychopathic personality.

So far, I have introduced you to student hack and philosophy postgraduate Ben Van der Merw e and single-earring rent-a-woke “scientist” and MSM journalist Dr Adam Rutherford, two of the people responsible for the attack on Dr. Noah Carl that led to his firing from Cambridge. Recent events have unearthed a third, and particularly fascinating, example: 30-year-old Dr Jess Wade, Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Physics at Imperial College, London.

In June 2019, I reported the case of Dr Edward Dutton, who vlogs as The Jolly Heretic at both YouTube and Bitchute. Dutton had produced a video review of the latest Main Stream Media-hyped book to “refute” the reality of “race”: Superior: The Return of Race Science by British-Indian journalist Angela Saini. His review, though nice about the quality of Saini’s prose, highlighted its many illogical arguments, its evident lack of serious research, and its appalling errors of fact: Saini [Email her] even got the Darwin book that first presented evolutionary theory wrong!

Based on Saini’s book, Dutton also explored Saini’s life and psychological profile, to make sense of why she had produced such as emotional and poorly-argued tome.

But he began his video with an impersonation of this particular public figure; noting the incongruity between her body language, in interviews, and her professed certainty.

The whole thing was apparently just too damningly accurate for Dr Jess Wade. Triggered, she pressured YouTube—which had previously specifically stated that the video was not “controversial”—to take it down. And she unsuccessfully pressured Oulu University to strip Dutton of his honorary senior lectureship, known as a docentship, the usual English translation of which is “Adjunct Professor.”

So who is this sweet young girl? Jessica Alice Feinmann Wade is something of a worshipper of 38-year-old Angela Saini. Wade’s Wikipedia article—penned by friends who even concede their “Conflict of Interest”—explains that Saini is one of her “influences”. Wade’s Twitter photo has her wearing a t-shirt on which is emblazoned “Inferior,” the title of Saini’s second book, which “proved” (and I’m only slightly exaggerating!) that women are as significant to science, or potentially so, as men.

Wade’s twitter also reflects her obsession with the interests of “LGBTQ” people, it is unclear whether Wade herself is a homosexual. Perhaps Wade isn’t sure what she is, which might help to explain her obvious emotional volatility.

Of Wade’s mere 14 publications in academic journals, she is the lead author on only one…because she is far more interested in social engineering than Physics. Through appearances on the BBC, Sky News and on numerous other MSM forums, Wade campaigns for more girls to pursue “STEM” subjects, such as Physics. She is aghast that the British government multi-million-pound campaign to persuade girls to study science has failed. Apparently, she is completely ignorant of the evidence that females have different personalities from males, causing to them be less interested in studying science [The Science of Sex Differences in Science and Mathematics, by Diana Halpern et al., Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 2007]

But when reality fails to measure up to Wade’s desires, she tries to manipulate how people see it, fanatically composing almost daily Wikipedia entries magnifying the supposed influence of some unimportant scientist on the grounds that they are female, non-white or LGBTQI+ .[Academic writes 270 Wikipedia pages in a year to get female scientists noticed, by Hannah Devlin, Guardian, July 24, 2018]

This when Oulu University told Wade that it could not legally withdraw Dutton’s docentship, meaning that he was still affiliated to that university, Wade edited Dutton’s Wikipedia page so that it stated that the university had indeed withdrawn his docentship and that he was not affiliated to the university, despite them explicitly tweeting to her the opposite:

“No longer with U. of Oulu

The article was updated to indicate he is no longer with the University of Oulu. I’m not sure when this happened, but this tweet from the school (I assume?) supports it. Grayfell (talk) 20:30, 29 June 2019 (UTC)

This is correct; Jesswade88 added that he’s not affiliated anymore and I added the tweet as a source shortly thereafter. IntoThinAir(talk) 20:38, 29 June 2019 (UTC)” [ ]

Note that, in spite of Wade’s clear hatred for Dutton, she also did not follow procedure and declare a “Conflict of Interest” in editing this entry.

Similarly, Wade earlier campaigned (successfully) to get Prof Alessandro Strumia removed from CERN for his empirically-accurate statement that women aren’t as good at physics as men. [It is 2018, so why are we still debating whether women can do physics? By Jess Wade, New Scientist, October 1, 2018]

For her efforts, Wade has been awarded the “British Empire Medal” for “Services to Diversity”—which, unlike more principled Leftists, she accepted from a hereditary head of state. Despite how in favour of “equality” she is, Wade apparently likes the trappings of the Empire that has oppressed her. (Reassuringly, however, nobody important, or who went on to be important, has ever received this medal).

But, then, the hereditary principle matters in the case of Wade.

The daughter of consultant John Wade [Cognitions, Chronicity, Distress and Disability in Temporomandibular Disorder (Idiopathic Orifacial Pain, By R. Geir Madland, PhD Thesis, University College London, 2002, p.20.] and consultant psychiatrist, Dr. Charlotte Feinmann [Lift others as you climb: Meet Jess Wade, By Isla Walton, May 1, 2018], Jess Wade—like Ben Van der Merwe, despite his Afrikaner name—is Jewish.

From a wealthy background, Wade was sent to the fee-paying South Hampstead School for Girls, providing her with extraordinary potential advantages: one fifth of its girls go to Oxford or Cambridge. However, despite Wade’s massive academic silver spoon, she either failed to get into Oxford or Cambridge or realized that it was a waste of time trying. Instead, she studied at Imperial College, London…the Empire association again not seeming to bother her.

Unlike researchers with humbler pedigrees, Wade would have had no trouble launching an academic career: both her parents are senior academics in addition to being doctors. Nor would she have had to fight to make MSM connections. Jess’ aunt, 70-year-old Dr Jane Feinmann—the elder daughter of Elozor Feinmann (1917-1983)—is not just a doctor but a minor media personality in the UK.

In fact, Jess Wade has never really wanted for nor had to seriously work for anything a day in her gilded life. She is a hereditary public academic.

It is, therefore, unsurprising that such a life—to the limited extent that personality is caused by environment—has produced a 30-year-old spoilt brat, seemingly low in Agreeableness and impulse control and high in Neuroticism.

No better evidence of this can be found than in her tweets about Dutton’s review: “…well this is disgusting” she responded to his systematic critique. When the video was removed, she Tweet-screamed: “Take that racists!”
