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Coal Burning Point USA, by Travis LeBlanc

15-6-2019 < UNZ 383 3606 words

Everyone loves a good social media implosion.

A good implosion is, among other things, a comeuppance: one where the mask falls at last and a hotsy totsy e-celeb is exposed to be every bit the no-good son of a bitch that you always kinda knew he was, but now everyone knows. His status as a no-good son-of-a-bitch becomes a matter of public record and public knowledge. A good implosion exposes the charlatans and the pychos among us so they can no more bilk the herd with their snake oil. Your Baked Alaska, your Matt Heimbach, your Tonka Saw, your Eli Mosley, your Kraut and Tea. These are the good implosions, and nine out of ten implosions are of this kind.

Not all social media implosions are good, though. Ryan Faulk’s was pretty uncomfortable. I don’t know if that would qualify as an “implosion,” but it wasn’t pretty. And Andy Warski’s slide from King of Internet Bloodsports to drugged-up homeless rentboy burning every bridge along the way got too painful to watch, long before it hit rock bottom. Oh, Andy. You could have been in the history books . . .

But today, we’re talking about good implosions.

It’s been a bad week for frauds. First there was Ars tech journalist and self-described “male feminist” Peter Bright, aka Dr. Pizza, who was arrested on pedophilia charges. Across the Atlantic in the UK, Milo published a devastating exposé on conmen Caolan Robertson and George Llewelyn-John, an ex-Rebel Media production team who have worked with every Alt Lite figure from Lauren Southern to Tommy Robinson to Alex Jones. Not only were they embezzling and swindling large sums of money off everyone in their vicinity, but also supplying information to Hope Not Hate just for the hell of it. The two are currently trying to reinvent themselves as liberals and will no doubt be detonating a doomsday device of dirt and gossip, unloading all the Alt Lite’s dirty laundry. They’ll try to sell it first, but if they get no buyers, they will probably have to sell some people out to prove they are out for good (like Katie McHugh).

But the most amusing implosion of the week belongs to a woman who goes by the name of Sexlaptop, or Ashley St. Clair, as she is known to her friends. She is the token hot chick of the Human Events/Turning Point USA crew.

If the woefully misnamed “Intellectual Dark Web” (it’s neither intellectual nor all that dark) is the conservative establishment’s attempt to manufacture its own Zionist-controlled opposition version of the Dissident Right, Turning Point USA, along with Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk, are the establishment’s attempt to manufacture a Zionist-controlled opposition version of the Alt Lite. You know, a dumbed-down junior varsity team for people who find Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson a little too highbrow for their tastes. (By the way, shouldn’t we be calling them “Dissident Lite” now? Or are they forever a Lite version of what we used to be?)

Charlie Kirk founded Turning Point USA in 2012, when he was but a wee lad of 18. It began as a student organization dedicated to fighting rampant liberalism on campus and discrimination against conservatives. It has done some useful campus activism and has filed lawsuits concerning discrimination against conservatives and Christians. Ideologically, it is pro-Zionist and fanatically neocon. That wasn’t too bad when they were just a campus activist group, but as they have sought to increase their social media presence, their neocon side has started to reveal itself. But seeing that neoconism is deader than disco, and Trump is doing well in their internal polling, these neocon sheep have donned MAGA wolves’ clothing and are masquerading as America First Trumpians, all the while clumsily trying to steer the MAGA herd towards a Zionist neocon agenda.

Most of the major players in the scene are non-white. Human Events, the defunct magazine that was once a favorite of Reagan’s, was purchased and revived by Will Chamberlain and Raheem Kassan – a part-Jew and a British-born atheist ex-Muslim. Human Events’ star writer is Indonesian sociopath Ian Mile Chong, a man notorious for his pettiness up to and including doxing and swatting revivals, rivals, and critics. Turning Point UK, the newly-opened British wing of the operation, is being run by based black lady in a Trump hat Candace Owens and her white fiancée George Farmer. Charlie Kirk might be the only white gentile in the whole bunch (George Farmer lost his white card).

George Farmer & Candance Owens

George Farmer & Candance Owens

But conservative media is like shoegaze: you gotta have a chick in the band. You need a cute chick singing your songs to give the whole thing a little sex appeal, or else you’re just a bunch of eggheaded nerds. FOX News has Kat Timpf, the Washington Examiner has Tiana Lowe. So Will Chamberlain settled on Rachel St. Clair to be the Rachel Goswell or Bilinda Butcher of Turning Point USA.

Despite her Catholic name, Ms. St. Clair is a proud Jew and is not shy of reminding people of this fact, especially if it helps make a political point. But that was their first mistake. They couldn’t just get a gentile dumb enough to believe their own bullshit. No, they hired a smart but cynical Jew. Perhaps they didn’t want to run into the same problems as Rebel Media, who had two of their token chicks, Lauren Southern and Faith Goldy, go rogue on them. Maybe they were hoping they would get a loyal soldier like Laura Loomer. Instead, they got 20-year-old Ashley St. Clair of Colorado.

Ashley St. Clair seemed to come out of nowhere a few months ago, claiming to be a MAGA Trump supporter. She was heavily promoted by Turning Point USA as she amassed a fanbase of more than seventy thousand followers on Twitter, tweeting boilerplate “I hate SJWs, I love Trump, buy my merch, baby” stuff.

There were signs of latent anti-whiteness along the way. When Alt Lite YouTuber Ashton Blaise (a dodgy character in her own right, but that’s another story) tweeted a photo of a majority black Irish elementary school class and warned people of the demographic crisis affecting Ireland, Ashley St. Clair responded by calling Blaise a racist and implied that she saw nothing wrong with the genocide of the Irish people.

While many on the Dissident Right have taken to trolling Turning Point, none have succeeded in getting under their skin better than Nicholas J. Fuentes. He has a longstanding rivalry with Will Chamberlain, whom he has debated twice, once in an early episode of America First and once in person at CPAC. Fuentes considers himself the true avatar of orthodox MAGA Trumpianism.

I’ve noticed that a lot of these token conserva-thots have the job of being attack dogs against independent alt media figures or anyone not on board with the establishment agenda. Tiana Lowe has a particular obsession with Faith Goldy and Paul Joseph Watson. They get the hot girl to tell you that the cool kids aren’t actually cool, and the nerds they pal around with are actually the cool ones.

Likewise, Ashley St. Clair takes shots at people like Ashton Blaise (who, whatever else she may be, is her own boss), but was even foolish enough to tweet a challenge to Nick Fuentes to debate on abortion. Nick accepted the challenge, but by that time, she had deleted the tweet. Will Chamberlain stepped in and implied that he had vetoed the debate on the grounds that Fuentes was blacklisted by Turning Point USA for being an anti-Semite.

All was looking well for this rising star of cuckservatism until she appeared on the pretentiously and inappropriately titled Freethinker’s Podcast. Here, our controlled opposition heroine got a little out of control and made some stunning admissions.

First, she disparaged Turning Point USA – the very organization she works with and which promotes her – saying, “They pretend like it’s an open discussion, and it’s absolutely not. They don’t do anything for change, do nothing legislation-wise, they (TPUSA) just sit there and provoke people on campuses.”

Second, she disrespected her co-workers and the Turning Point membership when she said that Turning Point USA conferences were “literally just a bunch of white dudes wearing MAGA hats getting hard-ons because Benny Johnson came on stage.”

But third – and this was the big one heard around the social media world – was when she insulted Republicans who care about immigration, saying that the Right was losing elections because of white identity politics:

In Colorado, the biggest issue with Republican voters is immigration. Do you know how many illegals we have here? Like fuckin’ 12. That’s the top issue among Republicans. And the number one thing among Democrats is education. Things that actually matter. And they are just screwing themselves over with this “build a wall and that’s all we care about.”

Steve Strange of The Scoop was on the same stream and said that whites becoming a minority was a fait accompli: “Whites are having less kids, there’s zero white immigration, whites are going to lose the majority in this country in twenty years, like, let’s just move on to something else.” The stream itself was a low key affair, but soon word swept through social media that Turning Point’s totally MAGA cutie-pie was in fact opposed to the signature issue that got Trump elected. Even Ann Coulter felt the need to comment. Nick Fuentes had a field day.

Turning Point went into immediate damage control.

Ms. St. Clair then issued three tweets clarifying her “principles.”

Human Events also released its first article on immigration. But that did not stop the coming troll storm that was only just beginning. Beyond not being a true believer in MAGA, the gentlemen at /pol/ had already started digging deeper into this mystery lady, people from her past returned, and a new picture of Ashley St. Clair began to emerge.

First, and perhaps least interesting, is that as recently as November, Ashley St. Clair was working for a political consultancy and fundraising firm, the Starboard Group.According to their Website, they’ve done work for the likes of John Boehner, Kevin McCarty, and a slew of GOP Congressmen. So she works for a company with serious GOP establishment connections.

Of course, this doesn’t really prove anything. Everyone has to have a day job, and if she wants a career in politics, it would make sense to intern at such a place for experience. But it is something to note.

But more revealing were two of Ashley St. Clair’s old social media accounts which had come to light: @sexlaptop (no longer active), where she sold and sent nude pictures of herself, and @optatives (which is still going), where she mused on her love (if that’s the right word) of black men, and also voiced persistent and repeated anti-white sentiments. The @optatives account was originally called @ashleynstclair, and while she changed the name of her handle, the original handle name still shows up in the comment threads of her old tweets.

Granted, Ashley is 20 (allegedly), and so we’re talking about things she said when she was between 14 and 16. Now, I’m willing to put a lot down to youth. If we were talking about someone who was 25 or older, I would give them amnesty for whatever they did in their teenage years (within reason). But given that Ms. Clair is still basically a teenager now, if I only judge her for things she did as an adult, I would only have a couple of years to go on. She is holding herself up as a public figure in the political realm, claiming to be an old-school conservative and a representative of an implicitly white movement. Thus, I think looking back to the things she was saying a mere four years ago is appropriate in this case. If she’s had some personal epiphanies since then, I’m all ears.

This is, of course, the now-iconic Ashley St. Clair tweet that is destined to appear in the comments section of every one of her tweets from now until the end of time:

If you don’t believe that last tweet is real, someone else quote-tweeted it.

She apparently likes the black guys a lot.

You see, another reason I’m posting all this stuff here is because there are a lot of white beta orbiters around this lady, and I need to destroy their fantasies completely. She will never bang you because you are white. She doesn’t bang white dudes. Send your shekels elsewhere.

While the original @sexlaptop account is closed, there are still some tweets on other accounts quoting the original, and it was apparently pretty no-holes-barred.

Wild stuff, even if she is only joking – neither feminist nor traditionally conservative, just kinda nihilistic.

Remember when people used to be like, “I can’t believe a guy like Milo is now the face of conservatism! Could it possibly get any worse?” Well, now we have people like this as the face of conservatism.

But that isn’t even the worst part of it. The worst part is that she repeatedly expressed anti-white sentiments on her @optatives account.

So it’s not like she’s a Jew who identifies as white, or considers whites her ingroup. Quite the contrary.

Again, I realize that these are the ramblings of a teenager trying to find her place in the world. Yet she is trying to be a representative of an implicitly white movement, and I am trying to determine to what degree – if at all – she identifies as white or with other whites. I am seeing little evidence that either is the case. Maybe she has grown up since then, but she has shown a total disinterest in the demographic fate of whites, and I’m curious to know why.

Several people mention her sending nudes to people circa 2014:

Consider that she was somewhere between 14-16 at the time. If this is true, this means she was selling child pornography. Ah, conservatism . . .

She’s Jewish, pro-open borders, she hates the organization she represents and the other people in it, and the icing on the cake is that she hates white people, too. Milo may be a complete degenerate, but I don’t think anyone has ever accused him of being anti-white. People give him grief for not being pro-white enough, but I can’t recall anyone accusing him of hating white people. But now, it’s gotten so bad that we have a Jewish anti-white ex-camgirl being promoted by the conservative establishment as the poster girl for MAGA. I’m already nostalgic for the days of Laura Loomer.

The thing about Loomer is that she was never hot enough to cruise by on her looks alone. She had to go out and do things to get attention. But Ashley St. Clair appears to have been getting smoke blown up her ass on social media for her looks since before she even had her driver’s license. As a result, she has the hubris and false sense of invincibility of being a hot chick. But the Right-wing Internet is not like some drunk guy in a bar who will nod along with whatever she says if he thinks he can get in her pants. If you commit ideological heresy on the Right-wing Internet, people don’t care how hot you are. Retribution will be swift, and errors will be corrected.

Ashley St. Clair is named after Clare of Assisi, a follower of Francis of Assisi, with whom she founded the Poor Clares, an order of nuns which still exists today. However, Ashley bears little resemblance to her namesake (although Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of goldsmiths). She is, in fact, a disgrace to her namesake. She has none of Clare of Assisi’s chastity, nor her intelligence, nor her virtue, not to mention Saint Clare’s devotion to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – who Ashley’s ancestors killed. (Don’t try to blame the death of Jesus on the Romans. If someone snitches on you to the police, you don’t get mad at the police. You get mad at the snitch.)

Ashley has a few options at this point: she can quit, she can try to soldier on like nothing happened and get trolled in the comments from now until eternity, or she can start behaving like an actual pro-white MAGA conservative. Stop talking about Israel and low unemployment for minorities and start talking about issues that affect whites like you actually give a damn about them. We all know she won’t do that, and Turning Point USA would fire her if she did. But if she wanted to be remembered as anything other than a complete fraud and conman, then that’s what she would do.

Then again, I suppose she could always pull a Katie McHugh and claim she was brainwashed into supporting Trump after watching some YouTube videos – but now, she’s all better. For style points, maybe she could claim that Charlie Kirk tried to rape her. But I, for one, would find that completely unbelievable.
