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Faith Goldy’s Mayoralty Campaign Gains Momentum Despite Mainstream Media Silence

1-9-2018 < Red Ice Creations 784 347 words

By Mundilfury |

Despite having nearly one hundred thousand twitter followers and a grassroots campaign that is gaining momentum by the day, Toronto’s mainstream media (MSM) refuses to cover Faith Goldy’s mayoralty campaign. Goldy’s bid to become the mayor of Canada’s largest city is going very well, but you wouldn’t know it if you listened to the establishment press.

The MSM are guilty of abject collusion: they are in lockstep with the hostile leftist establishment elite. When MSM reporters do manage to squirm their way out of their hermetically sealed cocoons, they cast aspersions, distort, and vilify just like they’re programmed to; but these hackneyed tactics are not going to work, not this time.

The MSM, with a few notable exceptions, is controlled by a leftist hive mind that dictates what is acceptable to write about, film, say, and even think.  Thankfully their time is coming to an end. We just don’t need them anymore. The dinosaur media that acts as an ideological block just short of a full-blown political party is dying, and they have been hoisted by their own petard.

People in Toronto and in cities across the West are looking elsewhere for information. The alternative media along with a legion of like minded social media users are filling the void.

Goldy’s campaign is characterized by her own personal dynamism: her intrepid reporting has continued throughout. When the Yorkdale mall shooting happened on Thursday, for instance, Goldy was there to cover the event.

She has been actively canvassing Toronto neighbourhoods with a motivated legion of volunteers; speaking with residents about crime, homelessness, public transit, and crumbling infrastructure; and giving voice to the unspoken assumptions of the silent majority.

Faith Goldy is the leader that Toronto needs.

For more information about Faith’s campaign please visit her website.

