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How to Fail Starbucks Racial Sensitivity Training

31-5-2018 < Red Ice Creations 146 793 words

Nobody puts MSNBC in the corner – especially when it comes to exposing the relentless white racism and black victimization that are the staple of the wagging jaws at the flagship of racial delusion.

So when a couple of black people a few weeks ago wanted to use the restroom at a Starbucks in Philadelphia without buying anything, and they refused three requests from employees to leave and three more requests from the cops to do the same, Starbucks took the only action open to it: give the black people lots of free stuff, then hold a racial sensitivity training session for 177,000 employees of Starbucks.

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018, every Starbucks in America was closed.

This may be the biggest, but it is hardly the first seminar in America where white people have to learn more about their evil racist ways.  Over the last several years, more than 100,000 teachers have gone through the same kind of training to learn how much white people suck.

In most schools, it begins with an invitation to have a "Courageous Conversation" about race.  Within a few minutes, the white teachers learn they must be courageous enough to admit their own racism and how it is responsible for so much black dysfunction in America.

Tip for the newly enlightened 177,000: If you want to keep your job and think you are not racist, don't let anyone know about it, or you will meet the same fate as the teachers who said the same thing in their seminars.  They get fired.

So there is no conversation – just monologue.  This is too bad, because as your average befuddled white guy, there are so many questions I want to ask, yet so few answers.

Maybe we will hear about some of them on the MSNBC special about "Everyday Racism," broadcast the same night as the re-education of the 177,000.  How about a few quick ones?

Chicago was forced to pay $22.5 million for its role in a group of black people tossing a young white woman out of a tall building.  A Harvard sociologist told the judge and jury that anytime a white person is in a black neighborhood, he can expect to experience Routine Activity Theory – i.e., black people routinely visit violence on white people.

The judge made it part of his ruling.

Question 1: Why is black-on-white violence so routine that they even have a name for it?

Question 2: Why are black-on-white crime and violence 6, 10, even 1,000 times greater than white-on-black violence? 

Question 3: Why do black people – like Michelle Obama – get special preferences for college admission based on race?

Question 4: What's a Bronx jury?

Question 5: And why are so many reporters and public officials in denial, deceit, and delusion about it – even when we have so many videos, victims, police reports, 911 calls, and witnesses that tell us about it?

Question 6: Why are so many indicators of black health and well-being off the charts in a bad way?  You know what I am talking about: HIV, AIDS, blood pressure, drug addiction, alcoholism, and other lifestyle diseases.

Question 7: How long can you pretend black-on-white hostility and violence have not ruined so many lives, so many cities?

Question 8: Do you think it is safer for white people to move into a black neighborhood or vice versa?

Question 9: What about black-on-Jewish violence, so wildly out of proportion?  Ditto for black on gay, black on young, black on old, black on women, black on Asian, black on kitties, puppies and turtles and raccoons? All documented at and in that scintillating bestseller Don't Make the Black Kids Angry.

Question 10: Why are so many black people in prison?  Why so many expelled from school?  Do white people do it too, but they just don't get caught? 

Question 11: Who is more dangerous to black people: police or other black people?

Question 12: Should white people ever call the cops when black people break the law?

Question 13: Why are there so much crime and violence at hip-hop concerts and other black events but none at PGA golf events?

So many questions; so much denial, deceit, delusion, and danger about black criminality and violence.  It is the greatest lie of our generation: the hoax of black victimization.

If untrue, it is easy enough to prove this wrong at the Starbucks seminar or MSNBC show.  (Yelling and name-calling and threatening are not an argument, to quote the great Stefan Molyneaux.)  Just show similar examples to match the black-on-white violence and mayhem.

Warning: I have thousands of videos and articles that document this ridiculous level of black dysfunction and denial.  Every day, they become harder to ignore.  Harder and harder for talking heads and corporate chieftains to lie about.

