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South Africa: ANC Teams up with Radical Anti-White Party on White Land Seizure

6-3-2018 < Red Ice Creations 127 243 words

TNO Staff, The New Observer, 1 March 2018

South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC) has teamed up with the radical anti-white Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party in that country’s parliament to pass a resolution ordering a subcommittee to investigate ways of changing the constitution to allow the government to seize white farmland by force and without compensation.

The vote, on a motion proposed by the EFF, has ordered the Constitutional Review Committee to consider changing section 25 of the South African constitution which currently prevents forcible seizures without compensation.

The ANC proposed an amendment to the EFF motion, which was adopted, that the Constitutional Review Committee “undertake a process of consultation to determine the modalities of the governing party resolution”.

The resolution it refers to was taken at the ANC’s conference in Johannesburg in December, to allow expropriation of land without compensation.

The Constitutional Review Committee has to report back to the parliament by August 30, 2018, and will doubtless hold a number of public hearings on the matter.

From there, any suggestion it makes will then have to be put to the parliament. It requires a two-third majority to change the constitution, which is 267 votes. The ANC has 249 seats in the 400-seat parliament, and the EFF has 25.

Read the entire article at The New Observer.

