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White House Hanukkah Celebration 'All About Jerusalem'

8-12-2017 < Red Ice Creations 89 209 words

By Mundilfury |

President Donald Trump has shown himself to be a civic nationalist, a populist, an American patriot, and a political maverick. Perhaps, at times, he has even flirted with implicit White Identitarianism. Of late, however, it has become increasingly apparent that he, too, is beholden to Jewish special interests.

This past week, Mr. Trump granted U.S. recognition to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and ordered the State Department to begin moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. He anointed his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, an avowed Zionist, as his Middle East point man. As per Unz Review columnist, Philip Giraldi, the Kushner family has strong ties with Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu. The Kushner Family Foundation has even funded some of Israel’s illegal settlements. Sheldon Adelson, a long-time pro-Israel GOP mega-donor, put pressure on Trump to carry out these moves as well.

It is concerning that even Mr Trump has fallen into the age-old trap of putting Israel’s interests ahead of those of the United States and her founding peoples. We present the following video with this context in mind.  

