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It's Not Okay to be White: The Guardian Editorial Board Denounces Taylor Swift

25-11-2017 < Red Ice Creations 78 334 words

Here’s an editorial from The Guardian. This is not an op-ed by some random social justice jihadi, like the similar excoriation of Taylor Swift’s whiteness that Buzzfeed ran a couple of weeks ago, this is an editorial representing the official stance of Britain’s leading left-of-center broadsheet on the Taylor Swift Question:

The Guardian view on Taylor Swift: an envoy for Trump’s values?


The world’s biggest pop star is not simply a product of the age but seems a messenger for its disturbing spirit

Friday 24 November 2017 14.08 EST

In the year since Donald Trump was elected, the entertainment world has been largely united in its disdain for his presidency.

For example, practically everybody who has labored under Harvey Weinstein has spoken up against Trump. Apparently, Swift must have eluded Harvey’s persuasiveness. Steps must be taken to correct this.

But a notable voice has been missing from the chorus: that of Taylor Swift, the world’s biggest pop star. Her silence is striking, highlighting the parallels between the singer and the president:

Because President Trump is also notorious for his silence, for his refusal to weigh in on political topics?

their adept use of social media to foster a diehard support base; their solipsism; their laser focus on the bottom line; their support among the “alt-right”.

Swift’s songs echo Mr Trump’s obsession with petty score-settling in their repeated references to her celebrity feuds …

As opposed to, say, countless rappers? As opposed to, say, Kanye West?

Mr Trump realised it was more effective to target a core group than attempt blanket appeal in his campaign – but Swift worked it out first. For years, she has directed her extraordinary self-promotional skills towards cultivating a dedicated and emotional army of followers …

As opposed to, say, Beyonce fans who get irate over Beyonce having won merely 22 Grammys?

Read the rest here.

