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Nigel Farage Exposes George Soros: The Most Egregious Case of International Political Collusion in History

16-11-2017 < Red Ice Creations 109 494 words

Nigel Farage MEP, UK Independence Party (UKIP), President of the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group (EFDD), addresses the European Parliament, in Strasbourg on 14 November 2017, in a debate regarding the so-called Paradise Papers.


“Thank you. Well as Mr Moscovici said at the start of this, the leak of all these papers, the lists of people with offshore holdings has come about because of the Society of Investigative Journalists. But what’s not been said this morning and I think is relevant is that the funding of these investigations came from one George Soros.”

Intervention - Phillip Lamberts Green MEP shouts out “So What!”.

Farage - “Now I say this at a time, I’m going to come back to ‘so what’ and it may have some personal interest for you as well, I say this at a time when the use of money and the influence it may have had on the Brexit result or the Trump election has reached a level of virtual hysteria.

“Just last week the Electoral Commission in the UK launched an investigation to find out whether the Leave campaign took offshore money or Russian money. This came about as a result of questions asked in the House of Commons by one Ben Bradshaw somebody linked to an organisation called Open Society.

“I just wonder, when we’re talking about offshore money, when we’re talking about political subversion, when we’re talking about collusion, I wonder whether we’re looking in the wrong place. And I say that because George Soros recently gave Open Society, his organisation, which of course campaigns for free movement of peoples and supports supra-national organisations like the European Union, he recently gave it 18 billion dollars. And his influence here and in Brussels is truly extraordinary.

“Open Society boast that they had 42 meetings last year with the European Commission, they have even published a book of reliable friends in the European Parliament and there are 226 names on that list including yours sir, I thought you’d find this interesting.

“We even had last week Mr Verhofstadt lobbying on behalf of Mr Soros at the Conference of Presidents in a battle that is going on with Viktor Orban the Prime Minister of Hungary.

“If we are going to have a debate and we are going to talk about full political and financial transparency well let’s do it, so I shall be writing today to all 226 of you asking some pretty fair questions. Have you ever received funds, directly or indirectly, from Open Society? How many of their events have they attended? Could you please give us a list of the meetings of all their representatives including George Soros yourself?

“And I think this Parliament should now set up a special committee to look into all of this and I say that because I fear we could be looking at the biggest level of international collusion in history.”

