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New Study Reveals American Obesity Rates by Race

8-9-2017 < Red Ice Creations 86 136 words
New Study Reveals American Obesity Rates by Race A new study has revealed that although 70 percent of Americans are officially classed as “obese or overweight,” Americans Indians are fattest of all, followed by blacks, Latinos, whites and Asians —and that black and Latino females are by far the fattest of their racial groups. According to the newly-released 14th annual State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America report from the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 70 percent of people in America are “obese or overweight”—and  that “obesity rates vary widely among racial/ethnic groups, with Latinos and Blacks having significantly higher rates than Whites and Asians.” The report reveals that “according to the most recent national data (2013-2014, age adjusted), obesity rates are: Asian — 12.6 percent;…