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‘Do As I Say, Not As I Do’ Laws Are For You (Not The Elite)

23-2-2014 < No Fake News 164 192 words

‘Just days after Mayor Bill de Blasio announced an aggressive plan to prevent traffic deaths, CBS 2 cameras caught the driver of a car carrying the mayor violating a number of traffic laws.’

Four Cops Dispatched to Arrest a Girl for Jogging without an ID

‘Sitting at Starbucks, on the corner of 24th and San Antonio, I noticed a particularly odd situation. Two Austin Police officers standing outside the Castilian just lingering.

Every time I looked back there was a different student holding a carbon copy of what looked to be a jay walking citation. Suddenly, one of the cops shouts at an innocent girl jogging with her headphones on through West Campus.

He wobbled after her and grabbed her by the arm. Startled, and not knowing it was a cop, she jerked her arm away.

The cop viewed this as resisting arrest and proceeded to grab both arms tightly, placing her in handcuffs. She repeatedly pleaded with them saying that she was just exercising and to let her go.’

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