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Benefit cuts give people hope, says Rothschild Zionist Cameron

19-2-2014 < No Fake News 259 243 words

‘David Cameron says he is giving unemployed Britons “new hope and responsibility” by cutting their benefit payments and claims his welfare reforms are part of a “moral mission” for the country.

In an article for the Telegraph, the Prime Minister issues a sharp rebuke to Britain’s most senior Roman Catholic, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols, who said recent changes had left many in “hunger and destitution”.

Mr Cameron argues that the Archbishop of Westminster’s criticism is “simply not true” and says the overhaul of the benefits system, led by Iain Duncan Smith, himself a practising Catholic, was about “doing what is right” and not simply “making the numbers add up”.’

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Migrants must PROVE they have worked before to claim benefits

‘Newcomers from European countries will be expected to prove they have earned at least £150 a week for three months to qualify for income support, housing benefit and other hand-outs available to people in low-income jobs.

But the measure is unlikely to satisfy critics who believe that migrants without a significant record of paying taxes and national insurance contributions should not be allowed to claim any benefits at all.

Details of the new “minimum earnings threshold” will be set out today by Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith in the latest blitz on benefit tourism.’

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