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New York City douses parks with toxic Roundup hundreds of times annually: Is your city doing the same thing?

15-2-2014 < No Fake News 158 176 words

‘Spring is just around the corner, which for millions of Americans will mean bursting forth from hibernation into the lush green spaces of their local public parks and recreational areas. But if your town or city is anything like New York City, playing ball or doing yoga on those crisp blades of enticing grass at the first sign of warmth could also mean inadvertently exposing yourself to unknown levels of the world’s most popular and controversial herbicide, Roundup.

Manufactured by Monsanto, Roundup is routinely doused on public parks throughout New York City, sometimes hundreds of times throughout the year, while few are aware of what is taking place. Mother Jones’ Anna Lenzer reported a couple of years ago that, in 2011 alone, those who manage the Big Apple’s parks applied Roundup some 500 times throughout the year, the equivalent of about 12 bathtubs full of undiluted chemicals.’

Read more: New York City douses parks with toxic Roundup hundreds of times annually: Is your city doing the same thing?
