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Tories criticised for giving guidance on how to avoid paying the minimum wage

14-2-2014 < No Fake News 179 344 words

‘The Tories have been accused of hypocrisy for sending out a memo advising MPs and parliamentary candidates on how to avoid paying the minimum wage to newly recruited interns.

The guidance recommends using the title “campaign volunteer” rather than intern in recruitment adverts and warns against covering expenses, as regular payments are likely to give the right to the minimum wage.

TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said political parties which sought to “get round the minimum wage” brought Parliament into disrepute.’

Read more: Tories criticised for giving guidance on how to avoid paying the minimum wage

Tories ditch pledge to let voters sack their MP

‘David Cameron has walked away from a pledge to allow voters to expel MPs who have lost the confidence of their electorate from Parliament, The Independent has learnt. The Prime Minister had previously backed the move to let voters “recall” MPs who had been sent to prison or found guilty of “serious wrongdoing” by their colleagues.

The policy was first proposed after the expenses scandal. It was in the Conservative manifesto and formed part of the Coalition Agreement with the Liberal Democrats.

But Mr Cameron and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, have refused to include the legislation needed for it to become law in the last Queen’s Speech before the election – in effect killing the policy.’

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Cynical Tories use recent storms to hide their despicable plan to privatise the state pension

‘Storms battering Britain have exposed ministerial incompetence on a grand scale.

But Typhoon Cameron has also come to the Government’s rescue.

While public attention focuses on the floods, a trickle of nasty news oozes virtually unnoticed out of Whitehall.

According to leaked Department of Work and Pensions documents, Iain Duncan Smith is planning to privatise the state pension.

This staggering proposal would put in jeopardy the economic lifeline of millions of elderly people.’

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